Basic Work place Tips for Women new to the Work Environment

Morolake Ojuola
7 min readJul 29, 2019


In my journey as a young woman seeking to build a career, I have learnt a number of things and it has become very important that i share some of these tips because of the appalling stories that i hear from time to time.

These tips were not written in any of my academic books. I actually picked them from the interesting & hard book called ‘life’.

In fact some of them are from my own life lessons. We are all on a journey but we have to keep learning.

Please also note that these tips are NOT for my senior friends or people who have been in the work environment for a long time (even though you may find it useful). It is specifically for the fresh graduates, particularly young women. Interestingly the young men have a way of picking some of these points very early enough. I really wonder why we women don’t…. I guess that’s a topic for another day.

So yes. I am speaking to some of millennial friends & the members of the Generation X. I mean this new crop of young women that seem to know it all but lack basic work ethics&people skills.


  1. EMAILS IN THE WORK PLACE — Never send an email when you are angry. I can preach a whole sermon on this! You have to learn to keep your emotions at bay particularly at work. You are are quick to type ‘tapatapa’ a nasty email with your well polished nails to your Boss? Someone that is a) older than you. b) married c) has children. If you do not respect the office what of the these other facts- Let’s assume this Boss isn’t even married. Doesn’t have children and you are in the same age bracket. It does not justify that action! Dear young woman, until you have another Job — YOUR BOSS IS YOUR BOSS! Don’t you know your next employer is very likely to request for your reference or that they may carry out a background check or that you just may need them sometime in the future? Apart from this, that email can be used against you as a form of evidence for your lack of discretion and inability to manage your emotions. If you can do this to your Boss, you have the capacity to do same to clients and ruin long standing relationships the organisation has built over the years. Conclusion — You are not fit for the work environment. Hmmm..NEVER SEND AN EMAIL OUT IN ANGER

2. DO THE WORK — You have been employed in that organization to WORK! Not to make friends. Not to show your latest dress or shoe or hair. We have seen all that. In fact you can show us all that but my dear make sure you BLAST THAT PRESENTATION! MAKE SURE YOU SEAL THAT DEAL! Make sure you are so good at whatever you do, so much so no one can deny it. Or else. You will be classified as Fine girl with nothing upstairs. These kind of people only stand at the entrance to welcome international clients. They never get to do the actual brain work of doing presentations, having one on one discussions with these clients. You will be an escort to these meeting for your FINE FACE ONLY. Do not say God for bid. Check yourself.

3. SAY NO TO EXCUSES — Cut the crap. You were given a task. Before you go to your boss or supervisor to say you can not or could not make it happen make sure you have tried 10 several ways out. I couldn’t do this but I tried xyz, efg, hij. DO not inform the Boss on the eve of the deadline. Start communicating early enough.

3. A QUERY IS A WHAT ? — A QUESTION — Go and cry in the restroom. Call a friend. Cry, vent and then ANSWER THE QUESTION INTELLIGENTLY. All those they want to get me’, ‘they are treating me badly’,they are picking on me’ is actually story for the gods’. Tell all those to your friends outside of work. When you are done ranting reply that email with FACTS and figures that can be proven with proper documentation. Give reasons why disciplinary action should not be taken against you in a professional and polite but very intelligent manner. In the work environment these things happen. Wake up my friend. Deal with it. Grow a tough skin.

4. ATTENDANCE AT WORK — Please do your best to report at work at all times. I hear some people call in sick twice a week. I laugh in Japanese. Ehen??? Hmmm ‘orishirishi’. ‘Oga!’ ‘Una get liver’. (Please excuse all my funny Nigerian expressions. I learnt them from my mother. These are the epic expressions she gives when she is about to land you a dirty slap lool) Me? Under the sun or in the rain. I report. Should you take excuses to be away from work? Off course. Why not!!!! You are human BUT when it becomes your stock in trade, your trade mark. You are telling your Boss or the organisation, they should start looking for a replacement. And yes they will. Infact they have started. Didn’t you notice that they asked you to re-document your procedures? Sit down there. Your replacement is around you look again.

5. GETTING TO THE TOP — Usually, everything takes time and there is process to be followed in a standard work environment. Attempting to outshine your Boss will only make you have enemies you do not need. You just got into the system 2 months ago and ‘papapa’ you want to show every one including your Boss that you can beat him or her at the craft. Really? Don’t you know what they call PROCESS??? You went to a meeting with your Boss and without permission you are the one doing all the talking. My friend ‘shut up there’! Did he or she ask you? Follow due Process. Procedure! Your Job is to make your Boss look the best! Arm this person with ALL THE INFORMATION necessary! In fact do the slides if you are asked to and DO IT EXCEPTIONALLY WELL . Speak when you are asked to speak. Do not control the conversation. I BET YOU, WHEN SHE IS LEAVING WHICH IS ALREADY SOON BECAUSE YOU ARE DOING ALL THE WORK AND YOU CAN CONFIDENTLY TAKE UP HER ROLE, SHE WILL RECOMMEND YOU! Alternatively you may even get a job with another organisation with her kind of role and you would be too qualified. The way up is actually down. As a matter of fact, we all know who is doing the work. So please be quiet. Stop going about telling everyone who cares to listen you are doing all the work. We can see it already. Just continue doing the work! These things have a way of getting out. It will shock you to know but MANAGEMENT (Whoever that is lol) is WATCHING.

6. WORK WITH THE END IN MIND — There are the clueless people who just go to work to earn a living. Yes this is why we all actually go to work, but going to work Monday to Friday without being able to properly articulate how you have contributed to the overall goal of your organisation, Team or monthly goals as the case may be is a complete waste of time and energy. What did you achieve? They can’t remember. Appraisal time they will now be running helter skelter. DOCUMENT every week. Work with the end in mind!!!!! As soon as you take up the job ask yourself .. ‘What do I want to be remembered for?’ Punctuality? Getting the job done? Excellent Customer Service? Dependable, Hardworking, Loyal Staff? . Then start working towards it.

I have tried to be brutally honest. I will continue to do so. The truth has to be told.

If you do not have people around you to tell you the truth, Join corporate organisations e.g WISCAR, WIMBIZ, look for friends in other organisations etc. Ask questions.

As a matter of principle i am constantly seeking to develop myself and acquire knowledge. I am always asking questions. Sometimes my friends & mentors can be are painfully and brutally honest with me and I run away. Other times we laugh and gist. This is the way to grow.

You will become a BOSS soon! Be guided.

With Love,

Morolake Ojuola



Morolake Ojuola

No Woman should live less than she can. I believe in the strategic role women play Nation building.