I joined the #Gelato Movement

Morolake Ojuola
7 min readAug 4, 2019


Life outside of a 9–5

I joined the #gelatomovement

As i approached August, the excitement of taking a break from work began to make me feel a little giddy. A number of thoughts came to mind. I picked my journal and I penned down my thoughts.

I am writing as usual to that young woman who is going straight from University to the work environment with no tutelage. That young woman who is not aware of the politics and theatrics that comes with ‘earning 30 days make 1 pay’. Dear young woman seeking to build her career. I am writing to YOU. Call it my own ‘Freshers welcome package’ and you won’t be far from the truth. Enjoy, learn & share.

Pioneers of the #gelatomovement

Correct me if I’m wrong but around this time (August a.k.a ‘Summer’) CEOs or very top management officials are on vacation. Chilling, relaxing, cooling off, spending 1 hour in a country just to take #Gelato and splashing it all over the ‘gram’ for our entertainment. If you missed it? Please click here and here

The View in Zanzibar
The View in Zanzibar

I understand that taking a break around this period is a general phenomenon but for this article the spotlight is on CEOs and top management officials.

One thing is certain. By the time they get back from this vacation, they will have Fresh energy. Fresh ideas. Fresh inspiration.

Organisational restructuring

As a result, there will be some significant restructuring in the organisations and businesses they run. I mean the shaking will be so serious it will be unbelievable. Processes will be automated. New deals will be sealed. There will be mergers. More ‘Bags will be Secured. At least the #gelatolady has already given us rule 101 ‘Never live on one bag. Secure as many bags as possible.

Vision 2020.

As a matter of fact, they are already discussing 2020. By the time the ‘ember months’ kick off with September leading the way in grand style, Boom! The end of the year razzmatazz would have begun. Appraisals, end of the year review meetings, year target reviews amongst others.

All that and much more will most likely happen.

My question to you however is —

  1. When was the last time you went on vacation? I mean the last time you took time off work just to look after the ministry of YOU. Have you gone on leave recently? By vacation i do not mean travelling to Maldives or Dubai if you cannot afford it. If you can Why not?

It could jolly well be in the comfort of your apartment. Just taking time off to do the 3 Rs — Relax, Review, Restrategize.

I know that feeling. You are afraid to apply for your entitlement. I mean part of your employment package. Your leave right? Let me help you clear the cobwebs.

Do your due diligence. Do the hardwork. Start preparing early enough. Make sure you are not the lazy type. Don’t jump in from the blues to inform your boss you want to go on leave on short notice. Apply early enough.Off course not at critical times where you have the opportunity to show off your skills and abilities or contribute meaningfully to projects or not at critical times when you are most needed. Delegate. Document all your procedures.

Look for someone to stand in for you and Give it a shot. Go on that leave.

I bet you, you will realize that with or without you no matter how important you are in that organisation, it will continue running. The organisation will not collapse. Soldier Come, Soldier Go, BARRACKS DEY KAMPE!

The feeling of releasing your role for a few days is scary but it would help you put things in proper perspective and push you to aim higher and not tie your entire self worth, identity, significance and destiny to a Job.

Test the waters. Do not Jump into the water

2. TEST the Waters with your leg firmly in one.

Have you applied for other jobs in recent times? I hope you have not bought into that story of ‘there are no jobs’. If you seek you will find. If anything, attending the interviews even though you are not selected, boosts your moral. You would also be testing your market value and the relevance of your skills.

If after sending out CVs in 6 to 8 months you do not get a single invite for at least the first stage of an interview, perhaps it is a good time to reassess and review your skills, re-package yourself and re-strategize. Even after getting the new offer ensure you do your due diligence and be clear on why you want to leave your current organisation. Seek proper guidance and counsel. If you need help send me a mail.

What other things do you do outside of work?

3. What other things interest you? Do you have anything apart from work that excites you? Things that make your face light up? Or is it just routine? Monday to Friday, then Monday to Friday, then Monday to Friday and the journey continues ? Hmm… What if you get to work and suddenly realize your role isn’t available or you gradually observe that your role has become redundant. i.e Management is showing you the way out indirectly…

What happens? Got any plans?

It is so easy to get carried away with day to day activities that we forget to be strategic and develop, nurture or cultivate those other skills or make concrete plans in the event of an “unexpected situation or sudden organisational restructuring”.

Identify the things you like to do outside of work. Those things will help you keep your sanity when things happen because ‘Things will always happen’. Change is constant. Your best bet is to be one step ahead. In the event of a ‘situation’ that hobby can generate some form of income.

For instance if you like reading, have you thought of joining a book club or even setting up one consisting of upwardly mobile, forward thinking, ambitious professionals in other organisations like you ?

You find public speaking or communicating complex information in a simplified engaging way very easy? Have you thought of joining a professional organisation like Toastmasters?

These platforms give you the opportunity to meet other people across variety of industries. You also get to build your network. These days jobs circulate around these networks.

4. Reinvent YOU! Do something different. You cannot do the same things the same way and expect a different result. Change your hairstyle (something befitting for the work place). Classy & Chic is the new way forward. Choose a different set of professional work place friendly colors. Not sunflower yellow and Nigerian flag green in one outfit lol.

Style your regular clothes in an unusual but professional way. You can look sharp without breaking the bank. It is called Fashion on a budget. Watch a few YouTube videos and learn basic make up skills.

Attend a professional training and meet others in your field of interest. Stop the sloppy flats to work. Get on your heels. Keep people guessing. I repeat — Management is watching ( Whoever that is though lol).

Dear young woman, taking a few days off work after doing your due diligence could be the fresh air you need. Also, expect change. Prepare for it. We were not taught in school that Organisational Change is bound to happen but life teaches us this. Look. Nobody is after you. It is absolutely nothing personal. Management will make decisions in the best interest of the Organisation as they deem fit.

Accept it. Expect it. Embrace it. Plan for it. Prepare for it or get Crushed by it.

I recommend this Book — Who moved my cheese by Dr. Spencer Johnson. Read it with a group of friends. Discuss it and keep the lessons close to your heart.

My name is Morolake Ojuolape-Ojuola.

I’m on a journey to discovering the institution called me. I recently realized there are different departments. Helping young women transit successfully from school to the work environment is a fast growing department. I share tips on career and life strictly for young women. I am also a budding coach. I could be your best cheerleader and your worst nightmare once i smell any attempt by you to self doubt your abilities or live less that your potentials.

If you would like to attend a webinar were i discuss more work place tips and more, Please follow @fortadullam. Just say Hi and drop your email address. You can also send a mail to fortadullam@gmail.com if you have questions.

I can not promise to answer all questions but i will do my best and also bully some friends in my network to help answer your questions. (I am putting it here as a way of alerting them. They are actually reading too)*mischievous grin*




Morolake Ojuola

No Woman should live less than she can. I believe in the strategic role women play Nation building.